Sunday, March 31, 2013

I am a Catholic Lesbian

Most people I know are pretty much sick of the debate as a whole. I am too but the reality is until there is equality the topic is very much alive.  It affects so many, even my son has a strong opinion and it sparked a conversation between us. He is still researching where his belief system best fits. He asked me what I think. I said it's very hard because I was raised Catholic. I have come to find that I believe in certain aspects of the Catholic religion but there is no way I would ever go back to the Catholic Church.  I told my son the very true life story of a very good friend of mine who is a very happy woman living with the love of her life and they are both Catholic.  Devout Catholics. oh and they are gay.  Brandon asked me "How does that work?" I replied with ya know, I have been asking myself that question to."  So I reached out to her and delicately asked her if she would mind answering that question. I told her that if I offended her in the least to disregard my question and forget I ever asked. She, as the wonderful person she is not only answered me but also said I could share her story. However, to protect their privacy I am leaving out some details and omitting names.
Here is how a Lesbian couple maintain their relationship with God.

I know that some people are 'born gay' (still not sure about that, but whatever)....and some people find themselves feeling or figuring it out as they go along.I can tell you that myself and my loving partner are of the latter camp. I mean, I seriously dated (and almost married) a guy who I thought was 'the one'. She did get married-only to ultimately realize he was a self centered, mentally abusive douchebag who only cares for himself and viewed her as nothing more than his property.Sorry to ramble a bit, but I am trying to come to the case of us, we were both raised Catholic and still very much consider ourselves 'faith-ful'....being in a same sex relationship has zero bearing on our individual relationship with God.  God doesn't see us as anything more than his creations of pure love. Jesus Christ himself commanded us all to love one another as he loves us. Not in the sense of death on the cross, but more to the fact of not judging and wholly accepting and in return unassuming key giving LOVE.To understand that God only wants our happiness and our unconditional love to him and those around us is really all that true 'faith' is about. It's the ego of man that twists God's true nature to suit man's own purpose and justification of what he wants others to believe and follow with him.I'm not devaluing the orders of the Old Covenant, but what the church is hung up on is what they think (and want) to say is 'God's will'. What they are forgetting (conveniently), is that when Jesus came to earth, he clearly stated that HE was the NEW Covenant-not that the old one was unimportant, just that he was redesigning the rules of the game...and why can't he, he *IS* God.So while mankind still thinks that they can tell everyone how to act, the truth is, if you are a follower of God, then your relationship is with God-not man.  You want to always remember to be good and kind and obedient to God (and in that sense to others), but man doesn't judge your actions-God does.I know I'm rambling...but I do have a point in here somewhere.My faith is rooted in my relationship directly with God-I'm not ashamed of who I have found myself to be, but through my relationship with the Almighty I have learned that as long as I and my soul mate and partner in life and love put love and trust in the good, we will live in God's grace and be rewarded-both in this life and the next.I don't disrespect the laws of my church, but I have prayed and studied and spoken to different people...and I have felt God within me and around me, I know that he blesses my choice and that his love for me is something that NO ONE can change except me.

So for me, this about sums it up in the best way possible. There is nothing more for me to comment about.

Be Good, Be Kind, Love, Be Generous, Be honest. Be the best person you can be.

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