Thursday, March 21, 2013

Heavy Hearts ♥♥

I have a heavy heart today for my friends who lost someone dear to them.I have a heavy heart today for my friend who buried her grandmother today.I have a heavy heart for someone who filed for divorce today.

Heavy Heart is a really good term. It truly expressed my feelings.  I'm ok enough to go about my daily routine and live my life and smile and joke and be me, but looming is this heaviness that sometimes I forget is there and then suddenly it returns and I am reminded of the sadness those that I care for are going through.

The older I get the reality of death, illness, divorce becomes so much more a part of our lives. I guess that is the getting old thing. I don't like it. So I have a heavy heart.

To my friends who lost someone dear yesterday.
You are fortunate enough to have the family that you do that you can be together during this time of loss and share the memories, laugh and cry. Remember what an amazing man he was and honor him every day in everything you do. He was a great man, adoring father, and a wonderful friend. 

To my friend who said goodbye to her grandmother today.
She finally rests in peace, not confused in her own body.  Able to think clearly and be free of all that held her to this earth. She was ready to go and you were there for her through it all. She is the reason that you exist and your children exist and the legacy will continue long after we are gone. 

To my friend who filed for divorce today.
We don't always get the happy ending we thought we would, but you my dear are indeed living a happy life. You have beautiful children, an amazing support system and a light that could illuminate the darkest of days. Never doubt who you are based on the ending of a marriage. It takes two people devoted to the marriage and the family they created. Clearly you have done just that. Don't give up. Never give up. 

My heart is heavy but tomorrow is another day and yes some days will be better than others and we will face more trials and lose more friends and make changes we wish he didn't have to it is all part of the journey that we have on this earth and if we stop trying than the journey ends.  

Take care my friends.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post. You are a beautiful woman. Thank you for being a friend. <3
