Thursday, March 28, 2013

Marry whoever the F*CK you want.

Before I was going to start typing this blog I was going to do some research and quote some facts and blah blah blah but really if you know me this blog is more about how I feel and my opinions on things so I am going to stick with that.

This word represents alot of things to many people.
Merriam Webster's definition which was updated in 2003 define it as:
the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage
Kudos to them.  

I don't see the big deal. I really don't see it. I time and time again am the first one to admit that when it comes to politics I am ignorant and uninterested because I feel everyone's personal and political agendas prevent them from making impartial decisions that positively affect us all.  With that said, I have to address it to some degree.  It has always been my understanding that there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. So why are states and the government concerned with who we marry? 

If it is a binding contract signed between two consensual adults who will be financially responsible for any assets they purchase including taxes cuz with big government it's always about taxes then why do they care who a person marries?  It should be a non issue when it comes to the ability to get legally married.  Two people, man and woman, man and man or woman and woman should be able to obtain a marriage license, have a ceremony in the church, synagogue, temple, courthouse, or any other venue and celebrate the joyous occasion. As long as the couples follow the laws associated with living in a civil society that should be all they are concerned with.

As for the churches and the radicals that come with them, I say this, your God, higher power, or spiritual advisor may tell you that same sex marriage is an abomination, well that is your opinion and you can have it, but in no way shape or form should your religious beliefs give you a license to hate or to try and influence laws to stop Gay Marriage.  Any person who is in a same sex relationship more than likely isn't a member of your bigoted church to begin with. You believe what you want and let people live.

What is going on today is no different than how we treated black Americans for decades.  Interracial marriage wasn't allowed until 1967. Today, it's common place. In 2010 4.8 million interracial marriages  UCLA did a study in 2011 that cites there are 9 million gay, lesbian and transgender Americans.  These are people. People who were born gay, just like I was born white and you were born whatever race you are.  (ok so i did get a couple of facts)

I just don't see it. I don't know why this is an issue. These are human beings we are talking about. People who work, live, love, and are members of this society who deserve the same rights as any other person walking this planet. 

If you do not believe in gay marriage, so be it. I bet you don't believe in alot of things.  I don't believe in alot of things but I am sure as hell not trying to prevent you from doing them. These are basic human rights. The right to get married and share your life with someone is not a privilege. It is a right. A right of every man and woman. Your personal feelings on it mean nothing. If we made decisons for the world based on personal opinions, slaves wouldn't be free and women wouldn't have the right to vote. 

I am a heterosexual female in a loving relationship and I can get married any time I so choose. I want that for my friends, my family. The people in my life who I see every day living amazing lives with the loves of their life. 

I don't expect you all to agree with me. Opinions are what make us individuals.   What I do expect is that everyone recognizes on a basic human level that we are all entitled to the same rights regardless of who we lay down with at night.  

Look at your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend tonight and think about how you would feel if one day you were told, Sorry you are not allowed to marry this person, or take legal responsibility for them in their time of need because we don't believe in your relationship.  Look at your children tonight and think about how you would feel if there were laws that said you can't have children because we don't recognize the relationship you are in.  

It's not a good feeling is it?  

This isn't one of my more eloquently written blogs, but that is because when I am really pissed off the fancy words just escape me because it's taking all my energy to not use the F Word in every other sentence.


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