Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just "Be"

So I am annoyed and irritated. Not sure it's really directed at any one person or situation. Just annoyed in general I guess.

Finding it hard to be tolerant. Tolerance has never been my strong suit. I am aware of this deficiency. Most days I have it under control. I choose silence over tolerance. This way I am not living a lie. I am just choosing not to push my opinions on the situation at the time.

It seems to me that too many people spend too much time looking for reasons to be angry or sad.  Seeking out drama rather than steering away. I hate the word drama so much because it is used so damn much. Everyone talks about drama. Ironically it's usually the people who are causing it that discuss it most.

Why is it so hard to just "be". Let go of the negative and embrace the positive. I realize that some situations require your attention but if you sat down and pondered things awhile I bet you could free yourself of a lot more than you realize.  Chaos becomes part of the norm and dare I say like a drug. I know this first hand.

Today, at almost 40 years old, I'm tired.  I can't imagine being on "the edge" every day. Always waiting for the next text, call or facebook post to send me into a tizzy. Don't get it twisted ( i love that saying). I still get caught up in the trap on occasion. Catch me on a bad day and someones facebook post can send me into a tirade but I do try and control myself and remember that its my choice on how I handle a situation and is it really worth my time? Once in a while it sure is, but usually no. Not at all.

For those of you that don't know me well you might be reading this and saying what a hypocrite because I deal with alot of drama. I don't actually. I deal with life and I make the best of it. Alot of challenges have occurred in my life the past few years with death among family and friends, accidents, divorces, health scares etc.  True it does seem like a lot. I didn't exactly bring it upon myself.  The only downside to having an extremely large circle of close friends in your life is the law of averages. The more people you surround yourself with the more "life stuff" happens. It can't be avoided. It is part of, well, LIFE.  I like to think that I handle myself in the best way possible and don't plaster my tales of woe all over the Internet. I share. I sure do because the majority of the people on my facebook are the same people impacted by what I am going through.

This post today is really just me rambling. I'm in a weird place today. Not sure why. Things are good. My life is good. Things can always be better but they could always be worse.

I guess my goal here is that some of you will read this and maybe see yourself in some of the words and make a change that is good for you. Chaos, drama, the continuous need to be "in the know" will never be healthy for anyone. It won't extend your life or improve the quality of it.

Happiness is the key to longevity. That and a dog (but that's another blog).  If we all took care of our own house and didn't worry so much about everyone else's this world,  virtual and real would be a happier place to be.

One last note. I truly didn't write this blog with any one person in mind. Several came to mind for various reasons. This is not a passive aggressive stab at any one person it was nothing more than a conscious stream of thoughts about the state of my life these days and the people in it but if you thought for one second that it was solely written about you  than this blog was ABSOLUTELY WRITTEN ABOUT YOU.

Peace, Love, and Rock n Roll

Til we meet again

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