Thursday, March 14, 2013

My 2013 American Idol Top 10

After watching American Idol for over a decade I decided this year I would share with my thoughts and predictions. Of course my predictions will totally get blown out of the water because America sometimes is just plain crazy. So here we go. I am counting down to who I think will be there in the end.

Lazaro ArbosLazaro Arbos
I have been saying this since his first audition. Lazaro has a "nice" voice and sometimes he has a very solid performance, but all in all he is mediocre.  His STORY his what is extraordinary and makes for good TV. I can guarantee you that the only reason he made it to the TOP 10 was because the judges were forced to put him through so that America would have the chance to vote for him.  He is inspiring but is he really going to a star? Nope.
Paul Jolley
Paul Jolley
Vanilla.  Paul Jolley's voice is pleasant, he is a handsome guy. He definitely has talent, but there is nothing about him that stands out. He is Vanilla and for a guy that says he has never sang a show tune in his life he sure has the theatrics that fit right in so he may want to re-think his career goals. 

Janelle ArthurJanelle Arthur
The weakest of all the girls in my opinion. Janelle's look is what will keep her in this competition long after her true expiration date unless of course she has a really bad song choice in the coming weeks.  She would make a fine country singer, but not sure she is a country star.  There is a difference. You will most likely see her making a living in the Nashville bar circuit rather than a hit on country radio.  
Devin Velez
Devin Velez 
This kid has a great shot at being a Latin star. His wheelhouse is absolutely the whole Spanish music scene.  There is a clarity and pureness to his voice that is really only shining when he is singing in Spanish. He also has a maturity to him that most 18 year olds do not have this early in the game. I don't think he has a chance in hell at being in the Top 3 , but I do believe he will make a name for himself in the Latin Music Industry. Maybe J-Lo will sign him.
Burnell Taylor

Amber HolcombBurnell Taylor
There is no arguing Burnell can sing and being a Louisiana boy he will be in this competition for a while and maybe longer than he truly deserves. His fans will vote and vote often He's a kid and he has years to perfect his craft. He is another one that I just don't see that star power like a Joshua Ledet from season 11.
Curtis Finch Jr
Amber Holcomb
A beautiful girl with an above average voice, but suffers from confidence issues that she must conquer in order to stay in this competition. I'm amazed that the judges have blatantly disregarded her multiple pitch issues.I'm thinking she is a judge fave and by judge I mean Randy.  Amber is just another really good voice but lacks the overall stage presence that we are used to seeing.  
Kree Harrison

Curtis Finch Jr.

Every year we have that one contestant that brings the "Jesus" to the competition. In pure Fantasia Barrino Fashion we have Curtis Finch Jr. who is this year's Joshua Ledet who ended up 3rd in Season 11 so I predict Curtis will be a Top 5 Contestant for sure. He's not a favorite of mine, but I recognize the sheer vocal prowess he has. He needs to reduce the amount of "runs" in his songs and keep the vocal pure.

Kree Harrison
It's no secret I love this girl. Her voice is angelic. She is clearly at home on the stage. I cheated and 
checked out some original music and live performances pre-idol and all I can say is that regardless where she finishes in this competition and I am saying she will finish 3rd, she will be successful. She has been making the Nashville rounds for a few years now. This is the push she needs to get noticed. A Kree Harrison album will drop in 2014.
Candice Glover
Candice Glover
This is the powerhouse of this year's competition. She has had some flawless performances and performances with flaws. As a big voice myself, the pitfall is letting the emotion of the song push you too far and your belting of the song becomes almost a yell, but that's a minor critique for a girl who clearly owns this competition. Candice will finish second and keep reading to find out why.
                                                         Angie Miller
Angie MillerAngie pretty much sealed her Idol win with her original song that every teenage girl has ripped off of YouTube and on to their iPod ten minutes after it aired on Fox.  Angie has the talent, the looks and at 18 years old she is young enough to be exactly what American Idol wants her to be. Angie has a YouTube channel  Covers done professionally in studio that millions of kids and adults like me have already watched and are Angie converts.  The pop world wants their own Taylor Swift. A singer/songwriter that can relate to the masses. They have it with Angie and on top of it all she is a Christian girl who performs in front of thousands at youth conventions. She has single handedly locked up the teenage girl vote and the christian community.  I would be extremely surprised if she didn't win.  It's her competition to lose right now.

So that's it. That's my prediction from the first to go to the last one standing. As always, there are twists, turns, bad song choices and the fact that sometimes the voters are so sure their pick will win that they give their pity votes to less deserving contestants and thereby causing the elimination (Chris Daughtry) or almost elimination (Jessica Sanchez) wayyyy to early in the competition. 

I will say that the contestants in 2013 are by far the weakest we have ever seen and if Ryan Seacrest or any of those judges try to say otherwise I will tweet them to death until they take it back.  I don't know what happened this year. Maybe Steven and J-Lo were stronger judges, maybe behind the scenes production failed to deliver the contestants to the judges. Whatever it is. They need to fix it for 2014.  

As far Icky Minaj.  I can only hope that this is her freshman and drop out year.  I can't live through another year of pink wigs, English accents and whining.  She is killing this show slowly.  

Thanks for reading.  You can find me on twitter each week talking all things Idol under the screen name redreign1800.

Davis... OUT (remember when Seacrest used to say that, guess that catch phrase died).

1 comment:

  1. You may have found your niche here Tamyra! You pull no punches, say what you feel, and deliver your post without losing my interest. Keep it up!
