Monday, April 8, 2013

The Power of Positive Thinking

Keep it positive!

I know that sometimes its easier said than done, but in reality it only benefits you. I'm not going to preach about how you must be positive all the time and look at the bright side! There are moments in our lives that positivity is harder to see than other and as human beings we can't be expected to be positive all the time. When I lost my father, the first few days I saw nothing positive in that whatsoever, The perfect father was taken from me, the perfect grandfather taken from my son and the perfect husband from my mother. Where is the bright side in that? I'll tell you where it is.  My father didn't suffer. That is a positive. He went to sleep and never woke up. I spoke to him the night before and have no regrets in the relationship I had with him. That's a positive.  He was there for my son for 12 years. That's a positive. See? Sometimes the positives are not staring you in the face. Sometimes you might have to dig through the rubble to find them.

Financial woes weigh on my mind most of the time. I am a paycheck to paycheck kind of person and whenever anything "unexpected" occurs its a mad scramble to figure how to handle it. This is a source of stress for me most days. Like many other people in the world.   The positive? I figure it out. Somehow, some way, I figure it out. I am grateful for the friends who have bailed me out whether it be as a gift or a loan. I am grateful that I have a job, a home, a car, and food in the fridge.  Maybe it's not steak and lobster but there are people who are way worse than me. I stay positive.

Illness is a heavy burden to bear. Cancer, heart disease, depression, migraines, reoccurring illnesses like colds, flu, and all the other strange things that are out there plaguing us.  It's a challenge to remain positive when you are simply sick of being sick. Be grateful you are here. Be grateful that there are doctors, and medicines that can help with the symptoms. Be grateful for the loved ones that stand by you. Don't get mired in your own misery so deep that you can't see beyond it.

Do something! Get out of our own way. Look around you at all the wonderful things in your life that give you reason to be positive. It can be the obvious things like your family, friends, your pets, your job or your hobbies. Or maybe you have to dig a little deeper.  Maybe its the flowers in the yard, the bird singing in the tree, the vacation you have planned at the end of the year, the new outfit you can't wait to wear or the card that came in the mail from a friend. 

I know it's hard. I have been there. I have been down and out and wallowing in the misery, but did anything change? No. Do I want to pitied? No.  Do you think that by displaying your negativity and misery for all to see is going to inspire someone to jump up and help you if they can? No.  I have been supported the most during the toughest of times because people around me saw that above all I was trying. Trying to do the best I could with what I have.

You hold the Power to be positive. You can be strong. You can be happy. No one is going to "make you happy" and no one is has the power to "tear you down" unless you give it to them.

Today, take a moment and make a list of the positive things in your life and keep that list somewhere close and the next time you feel the power of negativity taking over your life or you are dealing with a challenge you don't think you can handle look at that list and go to that place of gratefulness. It may not change what you are going through but it surely will give you perspective.

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