Monday, April 15, 2013

United we MUST stand

I started to write about what happened today.  I have alot of feelings about it. As do you all, but I have decided to wait until we know more.  So with that said, I will say this.

Slow Down
Don't rush to judgement.
Before you facebook, tweet or whatever it is you do make sure the information you are sharing is credible.
Avoid the blame game. We don't know who did it.  "They" can be anyone and "They" are not everyone that looks a certain way or wears a certain type of clothing.
Talk to your children.  Your terrified, imagine how they feel?
Look at the positive.  The footage shows people, many many people running towards the explosion to help people they may have never met in their life.  Runners who were not at the scene at the time of the explosion literally ran to local hospitals to donate blood. That is America. That is what the human race does. With every evil there is good.  The impact of what an evil group of people does impacts us greatly but it does not define us as a people.
The next couple of days will be hard for us as a nation. Take a deep breath and remember to be kind to your neighbors, your friends, your family.

Don't let "THEM" take anymore than they already did today.

We are good, we are kind, we are grateful, we are loving, we are compassionate, we are caring. We are what this world is truly about.  Don't let today define us.

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