Friday, February 1, 2013

The Goodbye

Where are you going?
Wait What did you say?
Why when you talk you can't look at me?
Did you have another bad day?
Well if your taking a ride can I come too?
You need space ?
Space from who?
Me? But why?
How can that be?
We didn't have a fight.
Nothing is wrong.
I went to get my jacket
You were gone.
Already down the street driving away
I called your cell.
You don't pick up the phone.
I don't know what's going on .
Please come home.
It's the middle of the night.
Where have you been?
How can you ignore me?
Your sleeping in the den?
I won't stop screaming til you tell me what this is about.
What do you mean you have doubts?
Doubts about us, doubts about me?
We have been married 10 years.
How can this be?
We can work it out.
You just need to let me know.
What do you mean you think you have to go?
You want a divorce?
What did I do?
Its not me you say its you?
That's the line your giving me
as your packing your shit and leaving me?
You think Im a fool who will just lay down and die?
You think it's just sadness that makes me cry?
What's her name?
How did you meet?
Does she know up until today you were still sleeping with me?
Oh you have fallen in love?
You want to live the dream
The grass is greener or so it would seem.
I guess i ignored the signs
When you wouldn't look at my face.
All the late nights "working"
What a disgrace.
I won't beg you to stay
In fact I want you to leave
This is actually liberating
I feel I can breathe
No more jumping through hoops
Just to keep you pleased.
Enjoy your new life
Get out of mine
No I don't care where your going
I didn't hear what you said
Oh I wasn't looking at you?
Got other things goin on in my head.
I'm taking a ride.
Lock up when you leave.
I don't need to say goodbye
I'm not gonna grieve.

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