Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dear Rex Reed

Dear Mr. Reed,

You are what is wrong with the world. You are a severely insecure man whose reviews are insignificant and meaningless to the public at large. Does anyone honestly skip or see a movie based on your reviews? I think not. You know you are no longer relative to the entertainment industry so this was your last ditch effort to garner some attention. Are you happy with the outcome?

What I think the general public fails to see is that calling people fat, obese, lard ass, tractor size etc Is the same as saying fag or nigger yet it is still socially acceptable. The things I have been called in my 39 years of life are obscene. I have always been dumbfounded by people who are somehow offended by my fat appearance. How does this affect you? It's not like I leaned over and stole your dinner. I am not black nor am I gay but i can relate. I have been persecuted my entire life for my appearance and so when I heard about your review Mr. Reed I was reminded how asinine people truly can be and you use your very small amount of celebrity to perpetuate hate. Because that is all it is you clearly have a disdain for fat people or let me clarify fat women. Laugh if you will but I am a fat woman. I am a fat woman who is completely offended and disgusted by your words and shocked that a man of your education and background thought this was a good idea.

It's not ok ladies and gentlemen to verbally insult people because they are not a size two. Melissa Mcarthy is an accomplished actress and one of my favorites from back when she was on Gilmore Girls and her star has risen so much since then. She is funny, she is talented and she is beautiful and who the hell cares what size she is?

It saddens me in so many ways that in 2013 it's ok to make people or to try to make people feel bad about themselves because they are fat.

It's a struggle every day as an obese person and losing weight has been a losing battle for me for the Better part of 20 years so who are you to judge? I hope that you lose your job over this and if you don't it is safe to say you have lost credibility in the eyes of your peers, your fans and the general public. Nothing short of an apology can fix this.  If I were to ever lay eyes on you in person Mr. Reed I would be happy to discuss all the faults in flaws I perceive when I look at you.  Then again, no. I'm better than that.

So many prejudices in this world and its not socially acceptable so why should being fat be a target? Let us be the best we can be. Size does not apply.

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