Monday, December 12, 2016

Motivational Monday-Be True To You

It's Motivational Monday and today I am highlighting perspective. High school was a tough time for me. I was not popular and I was bullied quite a bit before bullying was really a focal point. I was called fat and was so self conscious of myself. I weighed 145lbs in this pic yet in my mind I was a monster. Then I ballooned up to 320 as you see in pic #2 and i was pretty happy with my life and my friends but still trapped in a body I was not happy with even though i had all the love and support in the world. Finally the 3rd pic shows the real me. The person I always knew i could be. I may not be 145lbs. But at 185 i am more confident and comfortable in my skin. I think my smile reflects my inner self. Never give up. Be true to yourself and if that means you are happy at 145, 320 or 185 it's ok. Just be true to you. Happy Monday folks. Let it snow!

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