Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016- The Year of Me

My best friend in the world said to me recently that the world doesn't revolve around Tamyra. Say What?
But in all seriousness, I do know it doesn't revolve around me, but this year has been pretty big for me as anyone who has seen me can gather. 
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and text

It was the year I took back my life. On January 26, 2016 I had my weight loss surgery. Literally the best decision of my adult life.  I went from over 300lbs to 190lbs with more work to be done.  It was the catalyst to the hundreds of changes that came my way since. I knew my appearance and health would change, but I had always said I would not.  

I lied.  Well I didn't lie. I made a prediction without the knowledge of what would actually happen.  When you are obese most of your life, you can't possibly comprehend how your attitude, outlook and decision making may change. 

I am a different person, but I feel like it's the real me and the person I was destined to be.  It opened my eyes in so many ways.  I have talked about this at length so I won't rehash it but it was the biggest change in my 2016.  

So many of my friends on social media are so eager to kick 2016 to the curb and have had a very different year than me. 2016 will go down as the best year for me since the birth of my son 20 years ago.  I will look back at 2016 fondly and with a smile for the rest of my life.

2016 brought change in other ways. I spent the better part of 8 years with a group of people I called family. They were my family. They got me through the toughest times in my life. They supported me through the good times and bad. I supported them 100% through weddings, anniversaries, injuries, deaths and birth.  It was an amazing experience that I will always be grateful for, but all good things come to an end and my time has ended. It doesn't matter the reasons it is just over.  The end came with my new beginning and that is not a coincidence.  

The older I get, the loss of friends and family occurs a little more frequent than I would like.  A childhood friend taken suddenly leaving two beautiful children behind. Her smile was infectious and her heart bigger than the moon. We miss you Tara.  The colorful Carl left us this year.  The good time guy who loved beer as much as his friends and was always there when called. His loss has been hard on many I know and his laugh and sense of humor are missed.  Guy was an amazing son, husband, father and papa.  His death was a huge loss to his family, but now he is with his son who he never quit got over losing not that long ago.  Dom will make him proud like he always has.  

Grudges. I will not keep them. It does no good. Life is too short. I am happy to have reconnected with an old friend before 2016 ended.  Her absence has been felt through most of 2016 so I am hopeful 2017 will be different.  

I am not lonely anymore. I don't talk alot about what goes on in my love life these days, because I have learned some things don't need to be "posted".  I am happy and enjoying life and that's all that needs to be said.  

And as always, my son continues to make me proud and pave his way to an amazing career and future. There are no words to express these feelings. So I will just leave this here:
Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and sunglasses

2016 will go down in the record books for me as one of the best yet. I am eager to see what 2017 holds. Happy New Year Everyone. Be safe, be kind and remember that tomorrow is not a promise it's a gift.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Motivational Monday-Be True To You

It's Motivational Monday and today I am highlighting perspective. High school was a tough time for me. I was not popular and I was bullied quite a bit before bullying was really a focal point. I was called fat and was so self conscious of myself. I weighed 145lbs in this pic yet in my mind I was a monster. Then I ballooned up to 320 as you see in pic #2 and i was pretty happy with my life and my friends but still trapped in a body I was not happy with even though i had all the love and support in the world. Finally the 3rd pic shows the real me. The person I always knew i could be. I may not be 145lbs. But at 185 i am more confident and comfortable in my skin. I think my smile reflects my inner self. Never give up. Be true to yourself and if that means you are happy at 145, 320 or 185 it's ok. Just be true to you. Happy Monday folks. Let it snow!