Monday, July 20, 2015

The Quality of Life

In less than two weeks I will be 42 years old.  Seems crazy because in my head I feel like a 20 something.  The biggest difference however is that for the first time in a long time my body is starting to not feel a 70 year old. 

Numerically, I have lost a good chunk of weight. It isn't visible yet I assume because when you are as big as I was you have to lose a considerable amount before people can see the difference. I'm ok with that because I know how I feel. 

On Friday, I went to see Tim McGraw.  I took this picture. I took it because for the first time in a long time I was able to stand and watch an entire show. I wasn't looking for a place to sit down because my feet, my knees and back hurt. I took tons of pictures and videos. I tailgated with my friends and made some new ones. I haven't enjoyed a concert like this in so long. 
On Saturday, I went with my best friend, her husband and son to surprise one of our extended family on his birthday. The old me would have declined the invite because I wouldn't have the stamina and would have been too beat from the day before, but this new me was able to be there and make someone happy just for showing up. 

This is life. This is living life and not having to take into consideration whether or not I can walk or where the nearest bathroom is because my eating habits made me feel ill.  This is me breaking out from under the shell that has imprisoned me all these years.
I still have a long road ahead but every day the little changes lead to major differences in who I am and how I live. It's all up to me. No one can do it for me. No one can make me happy. Once the person inside me and the body finally become one there is no telling what I can do. 
