Wednesday, May 13, 2015

This is my life....

When exactly did you stop loving me?  When did that passion and overwhelming feeling of love, lust and excitement fade? I can’t remember exactly. I know it changed. I just don’t remember when.  I have moments of clarity I guess. These little flashes of what seems like a movie. I realize that you are a broken person if you think every relationship is just “for now”. I ignored all the signs.  In the beginning there was talk of marriage. Then suddenly it was “when we aren’t together anymore”.  I always knew you were talking to her. I always knew there was something. I knew you were weak. I guess I just thought you felt safe and comfortable and loved with me and that you wouldn’t let temptation tear us apart. I was wrong. Sex and love are not connected for you.  It is for me. That was the biggest divide in our relationship. I see that now. There were lots of things I didn’t like, but I loved you so much I just overlooked them as a compromise. You made me feel loved and safe but she was always lurking in my mind and I should have faced that years ago. I should have left years ago I guess and I wouldn’t be where I am today. Sad, lonely and miserable.

I still love you. I miss you. I get that sick feeling when I think of you doing all the things with her that we used to do. The things I hated. The events I dreaded. What I wouldn’t do to have that back just to be with you but why?  You aren’t good for me. You don’t love me the way I should be loved. Why do I hold on to someone who wouldn’t give me what I need or deserve? I am spending all this time and money with a therapist to figure it out and some days I feel like it’s never going to get better. Like this hole in my soul will never be filled and I will never trust again. Then there are moments of relief, ever so brief but I see them. Like cracks in the sky.

You were supposed to be the one. How could I be so wrong? How did I get here? Low self-esteem? Being Fat? I guess that makes sense. I don’t love myself or so I’m told but the weird thing is I feel like I do. Maybe I don’t know how to love which is why this keeps happening to me. Every man I have ever been in a relationship with cheated on me and left. At some point I have to stop blaming them and realize it’s me.  I’m choosing these people. I am making these decisions.  I am so tired of feeling like this. I am so tired of living my life and experiences and always wishing you were with me or that you would call or that I could call you to talk about them. I want to stop texting you. I want you to stop texting me because I know that’s the only way. It has to end. Really end but I can’t do it. I can’t fucking do it and I hate myself for that because I am just prolonging a painful situation because I’m too scared to really deal with the finality of it.

I wish you would just come back and be that man I fell in love with. The man who smiled at me and made me feel like the most beautiful person in the room. I still see that smile and it brings me to tears because you share it with someone else. Someone who is probably the one for you and more suited for you than I ever was. Where is my person? Why am I always alone? This isn’t the way I wanted my life to be.  Forever dealing with heartache and sadness. Trying so hard to enjoy the things in life I should but always wishing you were there. It’s like voices in my head that don’t shut up that won’t shut up. I’d like to say writing all this down gives me some clarity or peace when in reality it just makes me sad. I’m always sad. Even when I am smiling, laughing and joking I am sad. I drive home and cry. I think of you all day every day. When does it end?  My logical side knows it will. I got over Troy.

 I will get over you. I keep telling myself that but my heart doesn’t believe it. I love you. I will always love you. That’s how I feel and I would rather be alone than open up to someone because it will just end up right back here. Alone. Sitting in the therapist’s office week after week trying to change me.  Week after week going out alone. Feeling sorry for myself. Watching my friends feel sorry for me. This is my life. I want to blame you. I want to guilt you in to loving me again. They are thoughts that make no sense. I know that. It’s what runs through my head. The overwhelming fear of letting someone in is too much to bear. I am almost 42 years old and have my son and mom and the best group of friends in the world but I'm incomplete. I shouldn’t need a man to feel whole but I want so desperately to feel loved and appreciated and safe. You gave me that and then took it from me and I want to hate you but instead I just want you back. I am crazy. I am broken and I am sick. You aren’t coming back and I am going to be alone. That’s my life. This is my life.