Thursday, January 8, 2015

Scott Anthony Amenta 1973-2015

There once was a young girl who was introduced to a young boy at a club by a mutual friend. They hit it off right away. She being a singer and he a bass player. Their love of music brought them together. They were only 19 years old. The joys of young love. That was me and that was Scott. Our mutual friend, Emily introduced us because she just knew we would get along. She was right.

Scott introduced  me to his family, Guy, Shirley and Karie. They took me in as their own. Shirley was the first person to force me to eat vegetables. "House rules" and oh those Christmas potatoes. We had so much fun. Sometimes I think I enjoyed just hanging at their house more  than anything else. So many memories. Karie screaming because even though she wrote "don't eat" on the leftovers from the restaurant, Scott, always the midnight snacker would raid the fridge and disregard her warning. Drove her crazy.

Our relationship was up and down.  We were kids. Young and dumb but we remained friends and through it all it is because of him I have some wonderful people who are still in my life today because of him. Some very strong, independent women who like me either fell under the love spell of Scott or just looked at him like a brother.

We lost touch through the years but I would run in to him or someone who knew him and we would reconnect. When Facebook came along it was great because I was able to witness him find his greatest love of all, Dominic. The little boy who would change the lives of the entire Amenta and Gervasi family. Now a daddy and a good one. Scott loved the Yankees I mean LOVED the Yankees and how great is it that his son ends up not only loving baseball but is pretty much a phenom in the sport for his age. Daddy will now be an angel in the outfield for his little boy and watch over him in ways that we on this earth never could. Dom will be fiercely protected and although it's not the same as having your dad here, I hope it brings comfort in some ways.

Scott was "that guy". Funny, quick witted, talented. He lit up a room. He didn't mind if he was the butt of the joke because he could dish it out just as well. He had big dreams and never stopped trying to achieve them. He was a dreamer. We need those in this world because without them life would be stagnant.

Life will be emptier without his presence in it.  His family will need to find a new normal without that big voice and  personality entering the room but his legacy lives on in Dom. He will do great things in this world and make his daddy proud.

It doesn't matter how a person dies. Only how they lived because those are the memories that carry us through the day and make us smile. Listen for that special song or that certain sunrise or sunset and you will feel his presence with you because he was larger than life and surely death won't keep Scott from finding a way to make his presence known. It just isn't his nature.

Thank you Scott for the love, the friendship and the memories. Make all the music you want now. Fly free from all that kept you down.

Love you,