Thursday, April 24, 2014

My Idol Top 3 Predictions 2014

Last night I made my decision for top 3
3rd Place-
Alex Preston. He’s quirky and talented and has switched it up but I do think he isn’t as quirky and talented as the judges would like us to believe and I think if Harry Connick Jr. was able to go totally uncensored on this show he would say the same, but I doubt Idol would let that happen. Alex isn’t different. We have a bunch of these Jason Mraz types out there and taking a popular song and adding a reggae tone is hardly creative genius. He looks terrified to be on stage half the time and uncomfortable in his own skin. However, he’s consistent. He puts on a good performance each week and has gone under the radar through most of the competition.
2nd Place-
Jena Irene- Truly the “dark horse” and I hate to be so cliché but it’s absolutely true. She rose from the obscurity of the crop to the top.  Every week she gets better and better. There isn’t really anyone out there right now with that voice. She does have some Paramore influence in there but she isn’t out there week after week taking every song and making it into a Hayley Williams song.  Last nights version of Carrie Underwood’s, “So Small” sold it for me. She’s an artist. She has the voice to sing a song like Barracuda in her range without trying to be Ann Wilson and she took a sweet and vanilla country song and made it into a version that could easily be re-released today and hit the top ten. She is amazing and honestly could take the whole thing if not for……
#1- Caleb Johnson
I wasn’t particularly impressed with Caleb in the early shows before they got to Hollywood, but Idol does that. They keep the good ones hidden. They don’t give all their goodies up at once, so he went on with a steady but unimpressive run for a bit. Once he hit the stage solo and had control over what he sang and the arrangements, it got real.  Caleb can sing anything and make it sound like he is the first guy to ever perform it.  His version of Rival Sons “Pressure and Time” sold it for me. Not because I'm a huge Sons fan but because he didn’t go out there and do a karaoke version. He did it Caleb style.

The reason he will win over Jena Irene really isn’t about vocal ability because they are evenly matched as we saw in their Gimme Shelter duet. The reason he will win is because HE IS A FRONT MAN. He has it all. A vocal range that today’s artists drool over. Since day one I have wanted him to sing a Chris Cornell song and I am still holding out hope for it. Caleb isn’t your standard “pretty boy” front man. To me he could be the love child of Jack Black and Meatloaf. That’s not to put him down by any means, I am just saying he isn’t the traditional rock and roll guy we are used to in today’s market.  It really doesn’t matter cuz when he sings its all sex and rock n roll and you believe every line he sings. He will be the next Idol and he will have a very successful rock n roll career as long as Idol doesn’t water him down. That’s why second place in this competition is usually better. They don’t force a formula on you, but Caleb is strong and I suspect that he will do his time as the Idol poster boy and then go out and do what he does best and that is ROCK.
Honorable Mention-
I had to take a second to talk about Jess Meuse because I have been screaming at my tv, and on twitter since the day she sang Crow and the Butterfly by Shinedown. Jess has NO idea how strong her voice is and the range she has. She isn’t comfortable in front of an audience and just needs someone to PUSH her. Her song choices week after week have been nice and safe and kept her sort of under the radar never falling in the bottom three. It kills me because there were a few moments in the Crow and Butterfly tune that I heard what she COULD be and I am confused as to why she doesn’t hear it. I remember the first time I belted out a note. I was like “damn that felt good” I haven’t looked back. So my hope is that someone out there in Hollywoodland sees what I see and scoops her up, and makes her into the giant superstar I truly believe she can be. She has the look, she has the talent, she just doesn’t have a clue.