Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 a Year in Review

2013 was once again a year of change. I guess I am realizing as I get older that change is part of life and although at the time it is occurring you may be resistant to it, ultimately it does all happen that way that it was meant to be or maybe you just acclimate to it. Either way life goes on and you must move along with it. There isn’t any sense in trying to live in the past when everyone around you is looking ahead. You will get left behind with nothing but memories and loneliness. LIVING life is continually pressing on and making new memories. It doesn’t mean you let the old ones fade they just become part of your collection.


The difference for me personally this year was that although I did suffer loss either through death or the demise of friendships, it wasn’t the theme of my 2013.  So many good things happen in 2013 that outweighed the negative. 


My son Brandon is a senior in high school, he got his driver’s license, he has applied to college, he is writing sports blogs and playing basketball and has an amazing group of people he calls friends who are good kids and all are driven to do well. As a mom, it’s a relief to know that your child is in a good place in his life and on the path to a bright future.  He celebrated New Years with his best friends and I couldn’t help but wish I was a fly on the wall just to see him enjoying the life that I, his father and grandparents have all had a part in.


After 7 years with Elim Park and being pretty stifled in the position for the last 2 I finally decided to actively pursue a new career.  I put my resume out and applied for 5 positions in one week. Three of them called me back immediately. One I decided right off wasn’t for, the second I thought was pretty interesting but the third was the one I was really after. I was so happy when I received the offer and less than excited when they asked me to come in at a little below my current pay rate but with travel cut in half and the prospect of a bright future I was willing to do it and said yes. Then, literally a few days before I was to leave my job and start anew, Connecticut Innovations called. They were the “second” job I applied for.  I really thought the job was interesting but when they called I had already accepted another job. They weren’t giving up and presented me with a life changing piece of paper. I couldn’t say no to the salary, the benefits and all the perks that come with it. So I started in November. It’s been a bit slow to start with some technology things slowing it down but all in all I like the job, I love the benefits and I believe that this is the start of a great career for me.


There was some loss. Another gone to soon due to a motorcycle accident. He was an amazing father and husband and it shines through in everything his wife and children do. I am in awe of them every time I see them at how they are coping with losing the man in their life at such a young age. It really shows you how true love can overcome even when the physical bond is broken.  RIP Paul. 

We said goodbye to Andrew who put a never ending fight with cancer and wasn’t going down easy. He lived and loved and his family was there with him in his final moments. I didn’t know Andrew well but I know his brother and it was touching to see how that family just rallied around their brother, their son, their uncle to make sure he was never alone and was able to stay in the home he loved so much til the end. Keith now possesses the “man cave” which meant a lot to Andrew and I know that it means as much to Keith as did him.   

ROCK ON RON.  Ron K. was someone I knew way back in the days of my illustrious career at Edwards Food Warehouse when I was a kid. He was always a great guy with a dark sense of humor and a love for music, a passion for music and the boy could shred. When Facebook came to be we reconnected and would chat quite a bit because he was always “lurking” at odd hours of the day and night and I would be on his same schedule it seemed. Ron battled with the loss of his leg due to an infection and would have taken any average person out of the game for good didn’t stop Ron. He fought and fought hard and came back. He even got to play again with his band it seemed like things were really looking up. When he started not feeling so great he played it off with many of us just saying it was some complications but he would be back at it. Sadly, he had aggressive cancer that came on hard and fast and took his life.  I don’t know why he won the fight of one illness only to be taken by another, but I don’t dwell on it. He lived, loved and impacted us all and he will never be forgot especially when we see a sexy red head which was his weakness.


Eddie oh Eddie. A smile and laugh that could light up a room. Such a gentleman. Always looking for love and giving all he had to his children. Eddie was just a good guy to know and be around.  When I heard of his passing and that is was complications due to a surgery that was supposed to improve his quality of life I was struck by the irony. I will never understand why someone is taken so soon for what seems like a senseless reason but we must move forward and remember.


Loss of a friendship or a friendship that transforms into something different than what it once was is hard but I have learned to accept it. I have been down this road before and I am optimistic that in time everyone finds their place in your life and it is what is best for everyone. I will never forget the good times, the talks, the tears, the laughs and all that she has done for me. It’s what keeps the door open to the future that although it can never be what it was it can certainly be something new and healthy for us both.


Love was definitely in the air in 2013 and I couldn’t be happier for all those that found new loves or reconnected with old ones. There were weddings galore and I was happy to attend many of them.


40 . I turned 40 this year. I had a wonderful party to celebrate the milestone with the ones I love and it was a great day and will stay with me for years to come. Being 40 has been a little weird because I have had some physical ailments just seemingly pop up out of nowhere, but I do believe my 40 year old mind appreciates more, loves more and is more understanding than that of my 25 year old former self.


So that was 2013 for me. Filled with lots of fun, tears but most of all memories. I wish you and yours many memories to fill your heads and sweeten your dreams in 2014. Never wait to tell someone you love them, don’t put off something you truly want til the right time because that time will never come.  We go around once or at least we only remember it once so LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE.