Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Things that run through my mind:

Life is Short- It has become glaringly apparent over the past few years. Maybe it's because prior to 2008 I had not had to deal with a lot  of death, but that has changed. Since 2008 I have lost 9 family members or friends. That seems a bit extreme considering that's within  a 5 year time period. I'm getting older, I realize it comes with age, but sometimes I feel like screaming "Really?"

Time Flies- I stood in a beautiful field watching my talented cousin take the most amazing photos of my son, the high school senior and I couldn't help but remember the photo shoot at Art Rich in 1997 to commemorate his one year birthday. Yeah, that was a long time ago and I feel like it was yesterday, but in the words of my idol, Stevie Nicks:, "Children Get Older and I'm Getting Older Too."

Love is strong- The power of love has guided me back to friends I thought were lost and has inspired me watching the strength of people facing difficult decisions but the love guides them and gives them the strength to do the unthinkable.

Communication is key- Talk to them. Someone I admire greatly pointed out the pitfalls of the digital age of texting, emailing and facebook. Although its a great tool it has replaced a lot of human contact and has caused problems because of miscommunication. There are things not meant for social networking and should be handled in person or a phone call. I won't forget that in the future. You never know the struggles of others unless you ask.

Animals are great and people can suck- I love what I do with Bikers Against Animal Cruelty. It makes a difference every day for an animal and that's what is important, but I would be lying if I said it doesn't affect me.  A piece of me dies every time we lose an animal to abuse. Some days I just want to crawl in a hole and hide from the world. So much evil and pain inflicted on animals who just want to give unconditional love and be loved back. It shouldn't be this hard, but it is. People suck sometimes. It's a fact of life. So until every animal is treated with love and respect and has a place to call home. We shall continue to fight.

Times are tough for everyone- I struggle all the time with finances. I am a paycheck to paycheck person. I'm grateful for my ex, his parents and my mom because without them my son would not have the things he does. I feel so worthless sometimes because I can't do for him and for others in the way that I would like. I hate receiving the little red warning bills every month. I am embarrassed when at times I'm raiding the change jar for gas money. Am I alone? Hell no. Are there people out there in far worse shape than me? Absolutely and I remind myself how lucky I am that I have the support of family to give my son everything he deserves and that I have a roof over my head and food for my animals. It's tough. Every day is a struggle, but we keep on going, we keep on giving when we can. We do the best for ourselves and others.

This is what is going on in my head today. If one thing I have shared today helps you gain perspective than putting myself out there is worth every word.  

Love to all.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The New Leaf

Be Honest
   To your parents
   To your children
   To your friends
   Most importantly to yourself.

Own your mistakes. Forgiveness comes quicker that way.
Learn from them too.

Take the blame no matter how big or how small. If it's yours to take.

Remember the good times, when the bad is smacking you in the face.

Respect the person if you can't respect the decisions they make.

Let go if you must. Hold on if you can.

Forgive in your heart even if you can't say the words.

Make peace with what you can't change.

Listen to the opinions of others but never forget its their opinion.

Stand by your choices rather than defend your actions.

These are the things I have realized. These are things I have learned and will follow them to the letter.

I'm turning over a new leaf because the old one is just too dirty.